Liquid Chalk or rather Powder Chalk? - What you should use!

Liquid Chalk or rather Powder Chalk? - What you should use!

The Chalk can increase your performance, while working out. Both variants have their advantages and disadvantages, whereby a better grip is ensured by both products, so that the main purpose here is fulfilled very well in each case. 

Liquid Chalk or rather Powder Chalk?  What you should use!

Chalk is not only used in calisthenics, but also in many other sports, such as weightlifting or bouldering.

Many athletes ask themselves whether they should rather resort to liquid or powder.

Both variants have their advantages and disadvantages, whereby a better grip is ensured by both products, so that the main purpose here is fulfilled very well in each case. 

Before buying one of the products, one should consider the respective advantages and disadvantages.


Advantages of Liquid Chalk 

+ Ultimate grip with long adhesion time during any workout.

+ No dust formation, so training equipment, training surfaces or clothing are not dirty.

+ Mostly easier to transport, because the container is much smaller

+ Airtight closure ensures long-lasting quality until the last application

+ Pleasant smell due to innovative formula with low alcohol content


Disadvantages of Liquid Chalk

- Frequent application leads to dry skin, which can cause the palms of the hands to damage (a simple hand cream is recommended)

- Bottle opening can get clogged due to the wrong closure


Advantages of Powder Chalk

+ Mostly cheaper and longer lasting

+ Not too strong grip, thus more gentle on the hands

+ Appears more aesthetic in certain situations, as a kind of "cloud of smoke" is formed by excessive application

+ Perfectly suitable for video recording or photo shoots.


Disadvantages of Powder Chalk

- Adhesion time is lost more quickly

- Not liked in some facilities due to the excessive formation of dust

In general, it can be said that both variants serve their purpose very well.

Whether it is to perform certain skills, such as the handstand, or to increase the strength with pull-ups plays no role here.

The Liquid Chalk is used in the area of freestyle calisthenics, however, because the single application is enough to ensure an optimal grip for longer combos (continuous combination of different skills). Especially with the Powder Chalk, the grip can be lost again during a combination, which can affect your performance negatively

We hope we could help you with this overview to make your choice and take your training to the next level with the ultimate grip.

We wish you every success in achieving your goals,


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