Calisthenics and Street Workout Interviews

Calisthenics Interview
The Story of Erik Barsi (erikbarsi_sw) | The Secrets of Planche
Erik Barsi started his calisthenics career in 2017 which is at the time of writing 4 years ago. He mentioned that it has a lot to do with how you train and mainly genetics. Erik Barsi would conside...

Calisthenics Coach
ALESSANDRO MAINENTE | Calisthenics Training Advice | Interview | The Athlete Insider Podcast #54
ALESSANDRO MAINENTE | Calisthenics Training Advice | Interview | The Athlete Insider Podcast #54
View the interview here:
Or listen to the interview here:
The text of the interview (transla...

Calisthenics Interview
JACK VINATI | Full Planche with 202cm & 103kg | Interview | The Athlete Insider Podcast #50
JACK VINATI | Full Planche with 202cm & 103kg | Interview | The Athlete Insider Podcast #50
View the interview here:
Or listen to the interview here:
The text of the interview (translat...

Calisthenics Interview
CARLO "SCARXLUS" FIGUS | Superhuman Statics | Interview | The Athlete Insider Podcast #39
CARLO "SCARXLUS" FIGUS | Superhuman Statics | Interview | The Athlete Insider Podcast #39
View the interview here:
Or listen to the interview here:
The text of the interview (translated au...

Calisthenics Interview
MATTEO DEU SPINAZZOLA | His Special Training Methods | Interview | The Athlete Insider Podcast #038
MATTEO DEU SPINAZZOLA | His Special Training Methods | Interview | The Athlete Insider Podcast #038
View the interview here:
Or listen to the interview here:
The text of the interview (tra...

Calisthenics Interview
SERGIO DI PASQUALE | Get to know the Endurance Beast | Interview | The Athlete Insider Podcast #35
SERGIO DI PASQUALE | Get to know the Endurance Beast | Interview | The Athlete Insider Podcast #35
View the interview here:
Or listen to the interview here:
The text of the interview (tra...

Calisthenics Interview
EMANUELE MAJELI | Training Habits of the Champ | Interview | The Athlete Insider Podcast #29
EMANUELE MAJELI | Training Habits of the Champ | Interview | The Athlete Insider Podcast #29
View the interview here:
Or listen to the interview here:
The text of the interview (tra...

Calisthenics Interview
ERIK BARSI | The secrets of Planche | Interview | The Athlete Insider Podcast #28
ERIK BARSI | The secrets of Planche | Interview | The Athlete Insider Podcast #28
View the interview here:
Or listen to the interview here: