THOMAS KURGANOV | Mastering Statics & Dynamics | Interview | The Athlete Insider Podcast #40
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your own coach essentially you know telling yourself that you have to do these workouts you know and making sure that you're not injuring yourself your gorillas welcome to the athletes insider podcast by gornation my name is phil and today's guest is one of the most complete calisthenics freestyle athletes and uh somebody who is admired by a lot of statics and dynamics athletes with his skills i'm really happy to welcome you to the show thomas kurganov what's up guys thank you so much for the invitation glad to be here get started man yes already uh nice that you you are uh for years early morning right now for me it's uh the the the end of the work day so opposite schedules true and uh yeah let's kick off uh who is thomas kurganov how do you present yourself um so basically like uh when i'm first like meeting people or introducing myself i'll uh tell people that i'm professional calisthenics athlete and i'm also a personal trainer um and then if they ask any more like in-depth questions like what is calisthenics then i'll go like more in detail about the sport and exactly what i'm doing and how i'm training people okay great and uh you're living in the u.s right i am living in l.a right now california great and uh i saw like uh i always see this ukraine flag in your uh in your bio so you're not like uh uh 100 american can you tell us yeah my my whole family is actually from ukraine from kiev um and i'm the first generation born here in america so it's pretty cool i have a bunch of family over there and i really hope to visit one day um and yeah i know some athletes from over there i think you also did an interview with melnick yes um so there's some super strong athletes over there and yeah that's pretty much where my family is from okay and the good genetics because i always see this these crazy ukrainians yeah yeah so so nice uh but about it what i really enjoy is uh like your english is perfect uh so uh this is really good thank you for the people uh listening to this i think they will enjoy um people always ask these three questions um how old are you so right now i just turned 21. okay cool and how tall are you i'm about five seven five eight so pretty short five seven five eight do you know how much this is in centimeters um i'm actually not quite sure but in weight i know i am about 61 62 kg 61 62 kg for the us american uh viewers how many uh what is it that'll be 140 140 okay and in centimeters your height is 170 um okay just for the european uh okay listeners yeah great um so yeah um tell us the story how you got in touch with calisthenics um when did it come into your life he said rom so um i've been doing calisthenics total for around six years now and my calisthenics journey started when i was about 14 15 years old when i was just starting calisthenics before i was already like pretty athletic guy i was really into parkour and martial arts and pretty much like i didn't know anything about calisthenics there was not much videos out and it was just me and my friend um training at the local parks and in our in our backyards here with the bars that we had um and so at first my friend he introduced me to he showed me what a pullover is and like once i saw what a pullover was i was like okay that's cool like i want to learn how to do that and i learned it after one week and then he showed me what a muscle up was and we both we couldn't do it so that was like our mission like from that moment like we want to get a muscle up because like we've seen people doing it and it's super cool and it all started from then like we would just go to the park training muscle ups and eventually my friend he went into doing the bodybuilding and i got so addicted to calisthenics and like once i got the muscle up i just knew there was like so many more possibilities for me um and i knew i was capable of so much more um so i just i kept training from there on and eventually i started going to gymnastics gyms because for the first whole year of my calisthenics journey i was only doing reps and sets for the first year and then i started uh seeing the videos and stuff with the freestyle and everything and then i went to the gymnastics gym and over there um i was learning how to do backflip and i was trying to do like freestyle on the bars over there and i met this guy and we started training together and he was from uh the venice beach and he was part of the the local calisthenics uh group over there i believe it was called venice dynamics and so we started training together and then eventually he introduced me to his team and i started training with them and then they had their first annual competition of the year in the summer and they invited me to go compete because i've been training with him and so i was like cool i'll go see what it's all about and i was only like 16 15 years old around this time and so when i came um i participated in just the handstand challenge and i was too scared to do the freestyle and because i only had a few tricks i was not confident myself and i was a very shy person back then as well and so after that competition i kind of like made it my mission that i'm gonna train more freestyle and i'm gonna get better as an overall athlete and so then the next competition comes around i believe it was in santa monica they canceled the battle of the bars in florida and i came to watch the battle and i didn't know i was going to be able to compete um they told me i couldn't at first and i see a bunch of guys that are like 17 years old 18 16 like around my age that are competing so i'm like okay like maybe i can talk to the guy and maybe i can compete and so he tells me like can you do a backflip can you do a handstand then you can compete i'm like okay so i go to compete and my dad was there also so he signed a little waiver from me and it was cool i competed and actually ended up winning that whole competition wow and that was for me that was the beginning of everything that's when i knew like i wanted to start competing more i wanted to start getting more involved the community um and i also met a bunch of people from the community there um and from that day like we started training together it wasn't just me anymore and it was like a bunch of guys and i invited them over later to my house and that's when we formed the west coast warriors the team and for two whole years after that we were just training and motivating each other as friends in the community coming up together and that's all it was it was nothing serious and we didn't have any really like certain path that we were following you know it was just for fun um and then after the two years we added some new members to the team and we started really having a mission we started uh to create our website and come out with programs tutorials different blogs and merchandise and just try to grow the sport and help spread the sport in any way we can you know and now i've been doing calisthenics for six years yeah so that's how that's how it started wow that's already a crazy journey so many things in there so many questions already answered uh because people always ask for how long do you did you only do basics because for me it feels that uh the young generation they want to do like the planches and the the 360s and the dynamics etc really really quick after beginning um even like even in the first training they try but like after a few months they want to achieve it and i see a lot of professional athletes like you with experience that they like did only basics for a year or like maybe even sometimes two years so what's your opinion on that for for also looking on the joints on the tendons etc i think in terms of what i did i was very smart um because i would to anybody that's starting calisthenics automatically i'll recommend to start out with the basics reps and sets and you know after doing it for a year or i think i was doing for a year and a half i was also involved in uh social media online challenges like 14 day calisthenics challenge and those were all reps different sorts of uh cycles and repetitions for workouts and so that's what gave me my foundation that's what gave me my my strength i was able to have already like a good pooling strength and already a good foundation for a pushing strength um and so like when i was transitioning into statics um it wasn't like so much of like a strain on my tendons and joints like you were saying you know so i already had some conditioning um and always i'm telling people no matter what level you're at if you're already like super professional you always have to do the basics and a lot of people they don't think this because i don't post it all the time on my social media but i'm always going back and doing the basics and doing the foundations and working to make sure that i'm safe and that's what really allows me to have my endurance and to stay healthy to perform the super advanced skills and exercises i can imagine um and uh like you said your goal in the beginning was the muscle up i like of course of uh first uh um how's it called the turn uh the uh pull over pull over yeah that's it yeah and then the muscle up and after that was it always the planche or did you know that you want to go into dynamics and statics like how did it feel no so at first like it was all just strength based like repetitions like i didn't know anything about statics or freestyle like when i was doing this like i was literally just like how many variations of reps can i do like can i do muscle up clap can i do like archer muscle can i do different variations of pull-ups and dips and push-ups and you know figuring out different cool uh like cycles um that i can do together and add exercises together like little rep combos almost you could say um but yeah i didn't always know and then once i started like getting more involved with the community like instagram um and going to the beach more and training with all those guys i got like the hype and the motivation to to do all the freestyling stuff because like i was i was doing parkour before so i kind of had like a good awareness of my body already and for me it was a lot of fun just to like jump around and like do flips and tricks and and twists you know and being able to go to the gymnastics gyms back then um that's what really like exposed me to the freestyle and to the statics i was able to play around safely under the phone pits and just try different things and it just started getting up and up enough after that what's funny is for me also instagram is a world if you enter it like before everything is quite normal you think you're quite strong doing your muscle ups or clap push-ups or whatever and then you enter the world of instagram and there are like people doing i don't know one-hour muscle ups and like crazy crazy stuff and that's uh the the reason i think why the new generation is is wanting to learn skills so fast because they think everybody can do a full planche everybody every calisthenics athlete and on the other hand it's also a good thing if you use it right to set different standards because you for yourself due to your friends due to instagram you had different standards of what's possible exactly and that's why we started creating like different programs and tutorials for people because like you said people now are they're so eager to jump into that kind of training and you can't tell somebody no like don't do that like if they want to do it like they're gonna do it you know so they might as well have like more information when they start doing it so they can be safer and they can follow like the right steps you know so because like i went through it without anybody teaching me or like telling me what the right thing was you know like when i was first starting it was just looking through every single uh youtube video there was and there was not much you know and back then you didn't know what was right or what was wrong so it was just attempt a lot of attempts just doing the progressions that you can and you know trying to gain the strength in any way you could for me form was not really a concern like i didn't really care about a technique back then for the first two years of my static training um it was just build the strength build the volume and then after that once i started getting seeing a lot of progress with my strength i started focusing a lot more on the technique and cleaning everything up making everything look pretty that makes sense makes sense definitely um people asked how long did it take from your first workout ever to the first um yeah let's call it 80 clean full planche hold um so from my first full planche hold to like my clean full planche no from the first workout ever like in uh like starting calisthenics really with uh sets and reps as you said um to the first uh full planche the clean clean one okay so my first workout um i would say after the whole year and a half of doing like reps and sets um for me to get my first straddle planche hold it took me just like a few months like three months and and then it was actually took me way longer to get from straddle to full planche like for me that was like a big gap for some reason and so i think it took about six to eight months from straddle to full so in total i would say about you know over a year and a half okay if i understand it right one in the uh one year and a half of uh reps and sets around there plus three a month of straddle so you could say like two years yeah okay okay and then like a few months again for the full pledge okay because that's this is really important because a lot of athletes um and this is why the community said please ask the questions specifically like this because otherwise if i ask how long did it take for you to learn the full planche then maybe you say from the surgical planche i took uh i don't know six months or something and six months sounds really short you know like but i understand yeah so in total from the beginning of my journey to answer that question from the beginning of my journey to a full planche hold i'll say it took around two years okay cool that's around two years yeah almost answers that's cool um yeah i'm asking myself uh as i as i said in the beginning already uh for me if i think of of you as an athlete as i think of somebody who is really complete who is like really strong in aesthetics and dynamics and that's not say let's say quite rare or like it's something that's really special um what what did what was necessary to make you that person um did you just train more than everybody else did you was it the your focus what what's the reason in your opinion to that um that's a good question so i think it's just the balance of training and what you're focusing on for me like at the start of my journey i was i was really focusing on strength like that was my like that was why i got into doing calisthenics um i was really appealed by the strength aspect and that's why i was doing the reps and sets um after i got introduced to the freestyle it kind of fed that like crazy wild side of me like that loves to do parkour and martial arts and all this crazy stuff you know so that's why i love to do both and like i knew from the beginning like if i were just to like have uh figure out a balance of training both then i could progress with both you know so i would go to the gymnastics gyms and whenever i'm not training freestyle or learning new moves i'm i'm training statics i'm i'm working out the reps you know i'm doing the basics and i'm trying to get as strong as i can um and so over the years like i've realized a lot of different methods of training and i think the best the best thing for me is to understand what is periodization training what is specialization and how to differ differentiate your workouts between form training um or how to balance your workouts for form training endurance training and strength training okay so in understanding how to balance all of that in your in your schedule will allow you to be a complete athlete because for me like um sometimes what i'll do is i'll be focusing for like one month or a few weeks on like one aspect to get really strong right in like maybe like full planche or a maltese or in some kind of a strength element right and then i'll put all of my focus there and then i'll have my secondary focus on the freestyle or on some other skills right so my main uh priority is what i'm focusing in those weeks the the planche or whatever and then after that i can switch my focus after i see a good amount of progress so what that allows me to do is to to really focus all of my energy and effort onto like one skill or a few skills and that way i can see a lot of progress versus like um i'm focusing on everything at the same time you know and then i'm only seeing little progress in in all the things you know what i mean so for me yeah i would say that's what it is okay and that's something um if i can tell for the for the viewers that's something that i see a lot of times in these interviews with professional athletes that they do some kind of maintenance work that's how they call it for um different elements um they don't do them regularly or they just do them from time to time but they focus on one aspect and that's what you just said uh when and which seems to work otherwise you wouldn't be there uh sitting in front of trophies so uh yeah yeah and and now like you know now like when i'm training like like i said it's just whenever i'm i'll pick like however many times i'm gonna be training my freestyle um in the week and then whenever i'm not training freestyle i'm training statics every day like really hard you know and a lot of things that i like to pass on to my clients as well and people um that are trying to you know progress faster is um a lot of my training is i'm not going 100 percent in in all of them you know so i'm doing kind of like uh 60 or 70 to allow myself to be able to train the next day or the next following days in a row you know so that allows me to get more workouts in by the end of the week versus i'm going 100 in one workout and then the next two days i can't do anything you know so at the end of the week is only three workouts versus like every day i'm doing workouts so that allows me to progress like way faster and focus on a bunch of different things you know because you people don't realize but you can get a lot of done in one week you can do so much you know and you don't need to destroy yourself like what i like to do is low intensity high volume training where i'm having a low intensity in my workouts i'm not going like too crazy or intense but i'm doing a lot of sets a lot of volume um to increase the strength and to get a lot of repetition in and that's totally against so let's this common knowledge or like a message that is around everywhere you have to go give 100 in every workout you have to go all in um and that's i've noticed the most strength gains when i actually don't do that when i'm like more consistent with my workouts and but less intense you know and i'm doing like for example more harder variations or i'm adding weight or something like that more resistance that allows me to see more strength at the end of the day and without me completely tireding myself out and fatiguing either so you're not sore after every workout no sometimes sometimes i am so like if i'm for example gonna do like uh on my really hard freestyle and static days so when i'm training freestyle really hard no matter what as soon as i'm done with like two three hour freestyle sesh we go into a few hour static session right after so after those kind of days where you're training for like four or five six hours in the day yeah you're gonna feel it but for me it's not every session like that you know okay um those days where i'm going really hard for like six hours a day is mainly the days that we're training with the community on sunday at the beach and this is usually once a week um where everybody comes together at the beach and we're all training and motivating each other and that's why the day lasts so long you know for six hours but it's really cool yeah do you have somebody who uh do does this uh periodization for you or is it yourself who plans uh everything yeah just myself yeah i'm doing it based off of how my body is feeling always listening to my body and what my goals are what my next goals are okay because i was just asking because because there are still athletes for example tony garcia he has uh he's a coach himself but he also has like coaches to plan everything for him this is why i was interested yeah i don't have a coach but i've kind of developed uh such a good understanding of my body over the years that i'm kind of just my own coach at this point and that's where like the discipline comes you know it's it's a lot more than motivation you know because not every single day you're gonna have motivation you know that's when you're gonna have to come out with the discipline and the determination and to be on top of yourself to be your own coach essentially you know telling yourself that you have to do these workouts you know and making sure that you're not injuring yourself or you're going too hard or too crazy you know so it's really important to be aware of all those things when you're training especially as a professional athlete every day really hard true can you take us in in a normal week in your normal schedule for a week yeah so um for my week um i'll i'll try to do some kind of like workouts like every day you know like i said like if i'm too sore um then i'm i'll take a rest day but a lot of times i won't rest completely i'll do like i'll train some other skill or some other aspect that i'm not feeling sore in or i'll do cardio or you know like i said go back to the basics go back to the foundations and do those um but throughout my week i'm also doing um online training so i'm trying to like really like pass on a lot of the information that i also know and help others um through my instagram a lot of people have reached out with tons of messages about similar things that you're asking about how to you know structure the workouts and how to you know train like uh with all these drills and exercises safely and so i'm just figuring out different ways on how to communicate with people um how to train my by myself here and um recently i haven't been training too much with my teammates um so it's just been myself grinding at home here and occasionally going to the beach but uh yeah man that's that's pretty much what i'm doing throughout my week and yeah so a lot of statics at home because i guess you can't do any uh freestyle at home i can do freestyle recently the weather has been like not good it's been raining a little bit here and the wind has just been crazy so i haven't been doing too much freestyles in that case um but whenever it's like that i always can do statics in my room every day i'm doing them and outside in my backyard i have a setup with a bar and i have some rings and all my parallettes so i'm always doing training there um as you can see from the videos the static videos true okay then that's good news so uh yeah you have a lot of friends these times with with a good workout park in the in the backyard i guess a lot of people want to train with yeah sometimes yeah sometimes we go to like the the local parks here they're not too far away there's like a few here in the valley and in la um but because of this whole virus thing um you know people have been trying to limit going out and stuff so it's more of just my teammates whenever we can get together um that's when the real the real hype and the motivation comes because we're always pushing each other you know when we're training together so yeah okay um do you have like a few um things advices for the people who want to learn the planche some stuff that uh looking back on your experience on your journey is was crucial to to having this planche today um yeah so definitely something i mentioned before about the listening to your body and not training 100 for each workout that's something that i didn't know before when i was when i was training and that caused me to have like uh several injuries um like i had like a really bad shoulder injury um for like five seven months um and it was either impinged or i had like some kind of a little micro tear but um from that like from those injuries like i learned like what to do you know correctly and i learned how to listen to my body and not to just kill myself and destroy myself and i learned that it's also okay to sometimes take a step back and understand when you're over training and you're going too hard and for me it's sometimes good to do like a deload week where i'm just for the whole week i'll plan every single day of doing like basic exercises and rehab so rehab is another important thing and i will argue that people should be doing the rehab if not just as much but more than their training you know because that's actually like what's going to make you able to train harder and gain the strength you know without the injuries safely quickly efficiently so i'm always rolling out um with the ball i have the ball lacrosse ball and i'm doing that and i have the roller um and for me i don't recommend to stretch too much just because like when you're doing statics a certain amount of tightness is needed in your body you know to have the strength so if you're too loose then it might cause for for some kind of injury or displacement you know so it's good to just find a balance you know it's it's really about listening to your body and kind of just figuring out what workouts what drills what exercises are gonna work best for you you know because there's a million things out there that you know are gonna help you but might not be the best for you you know everybody is different and every every different method is going to affect somebody differently you know so you kind of have to listen to your body and figure out the best method for you okay that's my advice nice um number one question that we received and i i was uh surprised by that um it was on youtube and on instagram was about your uh planche form and people were interested in uh your like your extreme holo let's call it um can you tell us more about it why do you do that um is it like it will be uh how to call uh by by on purpose it will be done on purpose so you will have your thoughts yeah so yeah it's on purpose like what i'm doing is on purpose like i can do whatever planche form i want i can do i can do retracted i can do neutral i can do way too much protraction but right now the best for me is just uh not over exaggerated but kind of like still a good amount of protraction um for me it all started when my my teammate nikki makes he showed me a video on youtube um that i believe is deleted now but i think it was either air i think it was gagi from italy um and he was teaching eric ortiz uh or somebody like that um how to do like the retroversion and the protraction with the form and like everybody was gathered around a circle and like they were speaking italian and spanish so i had no idea what was going on but um i could see like and there was subtitles so i was i was watching and i was learning and like when i understood like what i needed to do like i just i tried to do it in uh just a tuck and going into an advanced tuck and i realized that because i had like you know two years of already like planche strength i was able to like go into it for a few seconds for a few seconds just to feel like what is going to be to to have that form with the back right and before when i was training i never liked my form i never liked that my my scapulas were like sticking out like that but i didn't know how to fix it i didn't know what i was supposed to do um because i was just going and leaning and trying to hold and after seeing that i converted all of my trainings to only doing it with protraction and retroversion and so for six months um it took me six months basically to go from that my old form to a new form of like with protraction full planche and throughout those six months it was a journey like each month like i would be able to hold my back but my legs would be too low or my hips would be too low or it's too high you know so i was experimenting and then finally like the more repetition i did it um in all of my workouts i stopped doing like the old way and i just started doing the basics and the advanced tux with the clean form and that's really what what helped me and the best the main thing of why i'm having my form how it is today is because i'm training like how i'm training my form in the beginning of my training i'm training you the same at the end when i'm dead tired when i'm fatigued my form is the same i'm training it the same in all my workouts so even if you need a more rest you know but eventually after you keep doing it every sesh your body is gonna adapt and that's gonna be the only way that you can do it you know like it's hard for me to go into a bad form now nobody has seen these scapulars since months then yeah because for me it was a really interesting and i before the interview i asked some people who are really strong in planche as well um i asked their opinion about it but because there are well were also one or two people who are asked when will he fix his form and for me it was like okay i learned when uh doing planche it is important to not have the scapula looking out it's different styles like i'm not gonna say it's a right form or it's a wrong form like people have really strong plans that are not doing the form like me you know and they can do everything the same so it's just a different style of planche for me i believe it's more than the form i believe it's it goes into the strength and like you know because when i'm doing like my presses and my push-ups and everything when i'm in a hollow body i feel like i can contain and i can use more of my body for my strength um you know when i'm doing my presses and stuff so when i'm retracted like for example um when i'm going for my press i don't feel like i can use as much of my my shoulders and like you know i feel like it's more load on uh unnecessary muscles and it will cause it might cause for injury you know i don't know for sure but before like i had the injuries and when i switched to the form like i haven't had really any injuries so you know it allowed me like when i have protraction um when i'm getting tired and i lose some protraction i can still do my things i can still press i can still do the push-ups because i know how it felt like to go all the way synced in you know so it allows me to have more room to work with essentially interesting um so to count your injuries in your career the severe uh shoulder injury what else did you have uh as injuries um i broke my toe in battle the bars um doing double fly away i had i broke my hand from doing a super 540 karate chopping the bar and um i don't think there was like some minor injuries here and there but those are the main ones and then my shoulder which was the biggest one for me okay yeah um people also asked what is your favorite workout when you train statics or is it free so what's more fun um i'll say for me like because like i'm a complete athlete for me is the most fun when i'm doing both together yeah when i'm doing both together but honestly like when i'm by myself i really enjoy doing like statics like just going really hard like because for me it's almost kind of like a meditation it's kind of like a therapy as well you know i could just express myself and go as hard as i want without worrying about what anyone is going to think you know and and for me that's kind of just like a a good zone to get into um and i don't feel like really stressed you know when i'm doing statics like i'm just going as hard as i can like i don't have to think about like if i'm gonna fall off of this giant or i'm gonna do some crazy [ __ ] but i enjoy i love doing dynamics like for me it's the adrenaline that's what uh gets me to love doing the dynamics um it's different feelings you know like when you do the dynamics like you feel like you're flying you feel like you have the adrenaline is crazy but when you're doing statics you feel like you have the power you feel like super strong you know and you can just you know it's different feelings and it's two feelings that i'm forever going to be in love with and that's why i love calisthenics so great let's switch to competition preparation how does it this look like for you so competition preparation is is very important like i would say like when i'm when i'm training for competition um i've tested out different actual like methods um i've tried being like super stressed about it and like taking it like super super serious like every single day like every week you know like i'm thinking about it every night i go to sleep um but i've also tried methods where i'm just kind of laid back i'm relaxed my workouts have not really changed you know i'm just doing my normal workouts training how i am not thinking about it too much you know just going with the flow and i realized that the best for me is a mix of both is a mix of worrying about it a little bit and taking it serious obvious of course and at the same time being kind of laid back about it and chill about it and not stressing too much over it because that's what kind of that's when you get in your head you know and that's when you you start second guessing yourself and overthinking um and for me like i'll just be like i know like if i have a date for a competition i know that i'm gonna be the most that i possibly can be prepared for that date you know so like whether it's like a month or two before like that's when i'm gonna really start doing more endurance training um but other than that the training doesn't really change it doesn't really change i'm still doing like all of my combos maybe like if i know that i'm gonna do specific combos i'll do more repetitions of of that combo over and over again but other than that it's just more endurance training and more cardio training like for um for about the bars when it's like 45 seconds break 45 seconds break uh the best thing for me and which might help some athletes as well is doing uh burpees and jump roping kind of cycles um and i i like mixing those workouts with statics so like it's the best feeling for me you get completely burned out and it feels like you're in the competition like you're competing you know because like 45 seconds you're going as hard as you can burpees like max out and then instead of resting for 30 minutes how you would in the competition i'm going and i'm doing a static hold so it's it's kind of like that's what the endurance is and just in a few weeks you can tell like a huge difference from doing that kind of training you know i don't do it all the time because it's hard on your body it's it's hard on your body it's a lot of neurological you know so and it's not really fun to be going like that hard all the time like i said you know you kind of want to enjoy your training and have fun with it so yeah interesting i didn't expect that the word burpee would fall into in this interview so uh big time bro burpees are amazing for me okay wow um yeah somebody was asking and that's uh something that um i see in this interview you're like balancing uh aesthetics and dynamics you're balancing your uh mental work and the preparation for for the competition etc so you seem like a really balanced guy and somebody was asking you seem really happy and relaxed in your workouts what's your philosophy for life what's my philosophy for life um big question but maybe you have some some thoughts on it i mean really like just my goals for calisthenics is to inspire people and to like you know to get more people involved in fitness and movement and in the community and to help people understand that just because i'm doing like all these crazy advanced things it doesn't mean that you know they can't do it you know so like that's why i'm also doing like i'm trying to do more into my coaching and into my training to get more people exposed into my methods of of working out and training and you know the more people that can you know start you know joining calisthenics and just being aware of what we do you know that makes me really happy you know when i like teach somebody and uh or inspire somebody and they do something that like i did or like they tell me that you know they accomplished it because they watch me then for me that that builds more motivation for me so like when i'm in my workouts like i'm thinking about like how can i how can i progress myself i'm always thinking how can i be better than i was before but always how can i like inspire other people that are watching me you know and i want people when they watch me to to see that i'm having fun you know like it's not like a chore for me it's not like a work like when i'm doing calisthenics like yeah it's my job but it's it's it's what i love it's fun you know i'm doing this every day because i enjoy it as soon as it stops being fun as soon as something is not fun for me i'm gonna stop doing it i'm gonna switch it like if competing is not gonna be fun for me anymore i'm gonna stop competing like you know like for me it's all just about a balance and how i'm feeling so if i'm happy in what i'm doing i'm gonna keep doing it great yeah that's uh the reason why you look so happy that's uh nice um do you play do you plan to compete again this year uh yeah um um i really want to compete so we're having our competition in ecuador in the street fit uh september it should be september if everything goes well um we're hoping for it to be a huge championship but i'm realizing that i don't want to compete so much and so often anymore like i want to just choose like like the main competitions the ones that are going to be uh the most important for me that i want to go to and just do maybe a few a year um because that will allow me to just focus and progress more um and allow me to work on myself more as well um and some of the actual competitions that i'm really hoping to compete is if they have it this year burning gate yes it would be my dream it would be my dream to compete in an only status competition tons of people have been messaging me too like bro you got to do this and i watched the video like i watched the the youtube video like over and over again for motivation like to this day like you know there's it blows my mind some of the stuff that i see you know there's like some of the strongest athletes in the world there so it's just to be on that stage would be incredible and you know spain the madrid competition and moscow world championship those are just some of the ones that are on my list so okay so picking out the best ones the best the ones that fit you the best and uh yeah competing exactly definitely okay cool um yeah i think one of the last questions is uh coming to diet uh slash nutrition um can you tell us more how it looks like for you um for my diet and nutrition i'm not i'm not going too serious with it like i'm always like eating good quality foods and i'm thinking about what i'm eating but i'm not like counting my calories or like my macros or anything or i'm not like too serious about like writing it down or anything like for me a lot of times like what i'll do is sometimes intermittent fasting um in a way what i do it how i do it is um i won't eat for like the first three four hours of the day and i'm waking up usually at like 8 a.m so i'll be eating around like noon like one o'clock sometimes and for me like that's when i feel the best you know and um if i'm not going to be having breakfast then i'll just go to straight to a lunch and then i'll have like some healthy snacks or whatever throughout the day and then my main dinner so it's either three or two meals a day um but yeah other than that i'm just always trying to be conscious of eating quality food maintaining the the meat uh the protein with the carbs and the vegetables and i'm actually always having like uh fruit like every day okay fruit every day is really good like i've realized that um in the morning is the best for me like it kind of just acts as like a little pre-workout energy boost to get the day going you know and the fruit so yeah man great uh do you take smoothies smoothies okay smoothies same as fruits i guess yeah i love doing the smoothies uh and i'll put like some supplements in there too you know like chia seeds hemp make it good true and then smoothies you can eat so much mass and and like so easy nobody would eat two bananas and apple i don't know everything but in a smoothie it's easy exactly exactly uh your opinion on supplements uh supplements i'm not a big fan on supplements um only i'm a fan on like natural supplements like herbs like herbs and stuff like i'm taking stuff like that and homeopathic remedies those are the best for me i don't like um for pre-workout like occasionally when i'm like super dead and i need it like i'll take like a few sips of a bang and i'm already like crazy you know because before like i used to drink like a monster you know and i wouldn't even feel it i wouldn't feel nothing so it's it's pointless to me and like all the all the stuff that they put in there extras is not really good but occasionally i don't see a problem with it um i used to do this is actually funny because when i was first starting calisthenics and doing reps and sets i was also doing a little bit of weight lifting and because i just wanted to get stronger bigger i was like 100 pounds like so small so anything i could do you know and i was drinking three protein shakes a day along with my meals bro like and it was chocolate you know so i was you can imagine how bloated i was feeling you know like it was not good and that's really what made me change into that kind of philosophy of uh being more healthy with the herbs that's i think like when i when somebody tells me this i always have to think of the um the toilets on a fitness convention you know they always smell like like these are the people that drink it every day like every day three five protein shakes i don't know this is what i imagine right the body is not made for this it doesn't digest like i literally feel like 10 pounds heavier like at the end of the day yeah it's great but not good heavier even though you wanted to gain mask okay exactly cool um yeah the last question of is uh yeah what are your goals for this year what can we expect from you 2021 um my goal is for this year so i'm pretty sure people have uh like known this already but i've been lowkey about it um i'm really just trying to level up my big dynamics and my power moves um for the past like two months i've been grinding on the 720. it's the hardest so far it's been like the hardest trick for me ever that i've trained um mentally you know so um i'm making a lot of progress and i'm i'm going in the right direction and um i'm not just gonna stop there i'm hoping this year i can unlock uh other things like the super 540 and i can get my uh super 540 clean again and just start incorporating more like risky big tricks into my into my combos to to take everything to the next level because i know every i know the top athletes they have been grinding man like we've all been grinding and pushing each other on the social medias and and you know in the dms as well and we're just waiting for for the comps to come so um just gonna keep training hard man and uh grinding for that next big competition and hope to take it to that next level great yeah nice at the end we always have some quick questions quick answers uh what do you prefer pizza or burger burger burger okay are you a dog or a cat person um i'm a dog but i love my cat he's my brother he's in the room so yeah you can't say i can't hate on him great uh do you have a favorite location for holidays um yeah i will say cancun okay great um who are the athletes that you look at or that inspire you for your workout um just to name off the top of my head some athletes uh daniel lazins eric ortiz roger steve um so many quater malnic um there's just so many my teammates god i have to think there's too many those are just just a few but a lot of guys are inspiring me right now um a bunch of guys from uh mexico um they've been tagging me in like their freestyles and statics and stuff so i've been getting motivated from their motivation by me so it's just a constant cycle of you know it's positivity i love this community great and that's what i love about catalonics is really this international thing a because you're sitting in america there's somebody listening in mexico or india or wherever i'm sitting in germany and it's like so international um which is something really positive in my opinion because it has power and it doesn't matter you know for like all like the top athletes like trying to you know like uh get to the top or whatever we're all still you know sharing information with each other and you know like i'm not really like the type of person to like be like oh no i don't want to tell you like some some of my secrets or knowledge so that you can be better than me you know like no like the more people that can learn that and experience it and then be better than me the better you know because we want people to uh take this sport to the next level that's why i'm a big advocate on teaching kids um calisthenics because they're the next generation like if i know like melnick um he started so young he had a planche when he was 11 years old you know like imagine kids starting calisthenics from like so young and then you know that would just be a whole different world true that's true do you have a favorite book um i'm not big on reading but recently some of my friends have been reading the book breathe all about different types of breath works and methods like that um so i'm thinking about uh reading that book because i'm always interested in like meditation and different ways of like breathing and stuff like that to help for like anything really you know great i just have to smile because uh two interviews before it was uh matthias binazzolla matteo dio uh he also recommended the book that he didn't read so it's funny if somebody begins i'm not a big reader but i always know something is about to come but yeah i'm big on movies i'm big on music okay yeah that's the next question what's your favorite movie um my favorite movie i'll i'll say like my favorite series um harry potter okay cool yeah that's good um yes uh do you have a favorite calisthenics event you've visited yes um will say the craziest event will probably be okay the top two hong kong and new york call out okay yeah yeah still uh yeah the hong kong 2019 super final and then a few months following the call out six okay craziest competitions of my life sure great uh yes and then the last question what's your message to the calisthenics community my message to the calisthenics community hmm tough one um i'll just say uh my message is to um follow your dreams never to sell yourself short like if you have goals you know like try to never never stop reaching your goals like the best thing for me is to kind of um establish like a long-term goals medium-term goals and a short-term goals and that way you can find out what you need to be doing in the short term and the now to be able to get to your medium term and to your long-term goals and yeah man it's like if you have a dream like don't stop chasing dad because i've already accomplished several of my dreams that i never thought that i would be able to just from like being consistent being disciplined and following my passion you know so anything is possible if you put your mind to it listen to your body don't over train um yeah man that's it calisthenics for life be active stay moving stay healthy uh mental health is important um i'll argue that um you know mental the mind is if not more important than the physical aspect of the sport you know so keep your mind healthy do the things that make you happy take time for yourself don't get too into one one thing and get too sucked in you know because it's really easy to do that so keep your mind open always and yeah do what you love great that's my message wow that's uh an own uh motivational video we can do out of this that's awesome hey i appreciate the interview man thank you for the invitation again it's really been an honor to be to be here with you you're welcome really and for the people who are interested in uh in your coaching because yeah you're also doing online coaching right yeah i'm doing online coaching through whatsapp and i'm also here in la doing one-on-one coaching for anybody that's in the valley here okay great so for everybody who is interested in that they contact you via instagram or youtube or instagram instagram okay we will put all your socials in the description so everybody who wants to reach out to you uh he can find you and uh yeah big big thank you thomas for taking the time thank you again thanks so much have a great rest of your night yes you too and uh thanks for everyone listening to this um and uh yeah we really appreciate the support give us a thumbs up share this interview if you took one or two things from thomas uh to to to let to share it with your friends and yeah thank you guys thank you for having me much love bye.