THANH NGUYEN | No fear during Freestyle | Interview | The Athlete Insider Podcast #24
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then nobody can stop you because they're always athlete who has like weaknesses and when you're complete nobody can touch you yo gorillas welcome to the athlete insider podcast by gornation my name is phil and today's guest is again a special one a professional freestyle athlete from germany the founder of the freeze uh founder of the flight thenx freestyle movement and uh yeah an event organizer uh really just an inspiration for the german calisthenics freestyle scene i'm really happy to have we'll have you here and to welcome you thanh nguyen from Frankfurt hey phil how you doing i'm good thank you um yeah i'm really looking forward to this interview and um yeah to to talk to you about the the development in the the sport that we see right now but also your story your um yeah your your history and yeah to kick off for the people who don't know you or who want to get to know you better who are you how do you describe yourself okay that's awesome and thank you for inviting me to this interview that's really nice what you guys doing with go nation and that was a really dope introduction by the way thank you for that um yeah feeling happy to be here yeah let's go on nice so who is tom who is tan who i am yeah that's a very good question and i would say me so like um not a human being no just kidding i'm yeah i'm just an ordinary person who's doing extraordinary things so yeah i love to influence people i love to spread positivity and what i'm actually doing is calisthenics and showing the people what i love doing what i'm passionate about and try to bring more joy and more happiness into this world wow nice that's good to start off with people always ask these uh hard facts um how old are you let's let's start with this one how old are you yeah i'm uh 26 now so uh next year i'm turning 27 already so that's yeah another people not a lot of people think that i'm that old but um it's really hard to guess the age of an asian guy you know so um yeah so i experienced a lot in my 26 years nice that's good so you bring like a lot of experience to this young sports to this um young calisthenic scene where mostly like for the freestyle athletes that are they are often like 17 or 19 or like it's crazy and so yeah it's nice to have some some experience in this um where are you born actually i was born and raised in germany so i was born in weinheim it's like somewhere in the south in germany so yeah and then i look like okay that's nice and how tall are you i'm 177 centimeters yeah and how heavy are you right now right now i guess i'm 64 65 kg depends on how much i eat but i try to bulk again but for freestyle i like it more to be light so you're going to have a better flow yeah and also your explosive uh like muscle ups and uh one-hour pull-ups etc it's it's crazy because we're nearly the same height um i'm just 178 but i am okay 80 kilos right now because i'm bored and uh yeah i think it's it's a huge difference like weighing i don't know 65 kilos and 80. exactly but i think you see it you know like everybody who saw you doing muscle ups or stuff like that it's it's crazy like when also on the rings i think you did some stuff a few days weeks ago it's just uh nice to watch yeah it's just like when you like 80 kilos it's like for me adding up 15 kilos on my shoulders and pulling that much up so it makes a difference but you also it's it's not like an excuse as well it's like you have to build up more strength and with strength coming like muscles and yeah that's true it always depends on the goals that's true exactly um and uh yeah where does your family come from where where are your roots yeah my roots are from vietnam so my parents are born and raised in vietnam and they moved to germany when the vietnam war just started so they're actually refugees so yeah they're coming to germany to have a better life and that's what i'm really thankful for that they give me the opportunity to live in such a stable and secure country like germany because in vietnam it's a very beautiful country i really love it but the politics are like yeah it's another story okay wow but uh yeah good for them good for you that uh they made this step and they that they uh yeah managed to to make a living here and stuff like that because that's something that i always like really respect when uh like refugees or like people from foreign countries come to germany and they have this mentality this mindset to work hard and to work for a better life and they have like much more gratitude often for the stuff that we have here um than people who who just know this and who are born here and yeah that's that's great yeah you should appreciate it because like you see every like kind of asian guy or asian family who's in germany they work as of like they're literally just working more than they're living and um yeah it should be more balanced of course but it's a good opportunity to to make a living and i think in germany it's like one of the best countries to do that yeah that's true okay so how did you get in touch with calisthenics tell us your your calisthenics journey oh it's a long journey so um i started calisthenics in 2015 yeah before i started calisthenics it was like a quite hard time i did like dance professional i was a professional hip-hop dance in the past i won like international german championships and stuff like that but then i had like three years five years off doing nothing just yeah doing the regular teenage stuff with smoking and drinking and going to parties on the weekends and i felt like there's something missing in my life you know so that's why i just started looking for something what fulfilled me i was like um in the beginning skating so i went to the skate park meeting with my friends having nice sessions and one day there was like a calisthenics park built right next behind the skate park and just because i started skating was like a sports wow you need to put the risk into it and it makes a lot of fun and then one day there's just this calisthenics park and there was this guy who's doing like muscle ups and then muscle up to handstand and crazy spins and i was like what the [ __ ] is he doing that was really amazing i couldn't imagine myself to do this because i was really skinny and i feel very weak and i was ashamed with my body i suffered with acne problems in the past so that's why i was like it's nothing for me but then all my skating friends they move from skating to calisthenics because the sport was more attractive you know and it was something new in 2015 you should know that and yeah it's it was very hard for me in the beginning because i couldn't manage to do one pull-up or something like that but then once i start i get like totally addicted to it and i remember in the year also 2015 this one guy who's doing the crazy must his name is tim beholic uh maholika on instagram the guy who's doing the muscle up hands straight by handstand and stuff like that he um invited us to the world cup stage in stuttgart it was 2015 world cup stage from by wrestling workout i think and we went to this uh event and i was just looking because and i didn't know about any athlete i just know oh korres is like a very popular athlete from germany and at this event i tried to uh connect with him so i was like looking for him but then he found me and he walked to me before i could even talk to him he was like oh you you asian guy you look like you're very skillful and you're very powerful and i was like i just started calisthenics i don't know anything and then we get into touch and it was a very good time very nice event he taught me like the 360 in like one session and that was like my beginning of calisthenics wow it's crazy because we i also have been on the world cup stage uh and should get it was on this um on this uh i don't know like on this festival you know like there was a festival in stuttgart on this um this big place in front of the i don't know what it was the church or the yeah it was just in the middle of the city yeah and it was like uh wow and so korres was uh the one uh yeah going towards you and seeing the potential in you and then teaching you like the first move that's something that i didn't know i thought you know each other since 10 years because when you feel like that it feels like that but in the fur like um we just understand each other the first time and he saw that potential in me and put his time and investment in me and that's motivated me a lot because there was some like professional guys who supporting me right in the beginning of my journey and that helped me a lot okay so your calisthenics journey was beginning in at this uh next to the skating park um and you tried to do some pull-ups and you didn't you didn't uh yeah succeed how did you how did you work out like um did you just try stuff or um i was happy that i was like this calisthenics group from bahalika he um had like weekly training or almost daily training since the park was just built and i just joined the guys and the yeah it's just a regular like monday was push day tuesday was a full day and going like that and i just tried like pull-ups it was didn't work and then i used resistance band doing pull-ups with resistance bands and just because i think because i was very like lightweight i used to wait i think 50 kgs of 55 kgs or something like that so i was very very skinny so because of that if it was easy to do in calisthenics so that's what i also want to recommend everybody's maybe watching this and feeling bad in their um in their uh their skin and not very happy about their body shape and if they're really skinny calisthenics the best sport you can do because you're just using your body weight and the less you have to carry the easy is going to do skills and perform a front lever or maybe a freestyle that's true like all the stuff that like not all but a lot of stuff that is a disadvantage in the real world let's say is yes in the calisthenics world to be small to be skinny that's like really really big advantages and um yeah the people who are like small and have problems uh due to their height in bodybuilding or stuff yes the just um the the interview before was with jay chris who also uh talked about history uh to be small to be um like to to have problems and being bullied because of it yes then through calisthenics it was an advantage from one day to another and that's really nice to see that with calisthenics you can turn disadvantages into advantages exactly exactly um something that i asked myself where does the name la twist come from because like when i go to an event it's always all a twistler twist and i say tongue and you know the twist yeah i know what you mean uh first of all uh ton is a very hard name to write yeah so like all my teachers and everybody is just mispronounce it because it's like with two h's between the t and edge and stuff like that so um it started with i think it was in the year 2016 when i get like some basic freestyle moves and i listen to travis scott a lot yeah to that time and he's like la flame you know and or his nickname is la flame and uh one one day a friend of me he comment under my post yeah la flame and i was like okay that's cool but i don't like flames i like twists you know like 360s gingers and all the crazy moves so i combined the two names and it turned to uh la twist nice that also happened um when i first landed my my ginger because in germany we say twist lip to it and you say yes yes we say we say twist flip to it and also the german community and um the funny thing about it i unlocked this move on my birthday so it was just a nice time so i remy named in la twist and instagram and since that i'm the twist okay okay i think like i think i made a survey on this because it's it's something that i think is really funny um because you always say twist flip and i was like ah i don't know this word i don't like it for me it's a ginger um and yeah survey like and asked people what do they say and it was like eighty-five or ninety percent yeah but uh yeah i still like it so um some people say ice ball for the front of the regret that's also a weird thing for me but uh yeah that's calisthenics like i don't know is this is twist flip from parkour or something or is it just no not actually because we have a very known uh parkour athlete jason paul in frankfurt and he also said why are you guys saying twisted to it it's ginger and and i was like no we call it twist lip and he's like there's no twist at all in it and i'm like uh yeah i don't know i think the first guy who's telling that was courage and he has a from um i think roger but was back in the day so it was like 2016 or something and you know things change and um also i think ginga is the guy in gymnastic who's doing the first ever ginga and his name was ginga so you know in i think gymnastics is like when you're doing the move the first time ever you can name it by your uh yeah by yourself and that's why i think this move is coming from gymnastics so and um in calisthenics we try to separate a little bit from gymnastics even like a lot of freestyle moves are the same but i think twist lip is just like a new name for for this move because it's a little bit different to the gymnastic race and that's why i just call it like that okay so with the gymnastics uh un move to call your name you have a battle with a professional german uh gymnast there is a he's a there is also a professional gymnast called nguyen in in germany you know him yes yes uh i think his name is marcel yeah no i actually don't know him but i just know he's a like olympian gymnastics guy he's really strong but nguyen is like in germany muller or schmidt or something like it's a very very known name there was like this uh this king who just renamed all the people in vietnam and i know back in 2000 1 000 years or something so everybody named nguyen so it's a very popular name in vietnam nice didn't know that um yeah i was thinking for me when i think of freestyle in germany um i have to think of you like uh for me you're one of the founding people like the inspirations the uh in germany we say alzheimer's shield if you think of freestyle they have to think of you and like how did it go like how was the development of the free circular cylinder scene uh in in germany because you built a hotspot in frankfurt with it yeah that's true that's true um yeah it's it's actually really interesting to talk about that because i i never think like i'm conscious about that because it's just developed like this you know so it was there and like we haven't done anything but um i can say that i think it started with courage because he was like internationally the most um well-known and strongest freestyle athlete back in the days and he reinvented the 360s and afro tornadoes and all the stuff and just because we train at the park at the um european central bank it it gets kind of to an hot spot and um because this was the only park we just met there and all the summer long you see it's like skating you know we're living lifestyle it's just not like we're having like one hour our workouts and then we leave now we spent like almost a whole day there and enjoying the sun and because of that there was like always a person at the park who's like doing three cycle standings and so more and more people seeing okay there's a crazy movement or they're like guys they're doing like superhuman crazy stuff and that's how it's like kind of grows and because we trained there and getting ready for the german german championships and international championships this was like it's getting more into the health spot and after like i think one or two years we also started to train people there and we're getting a bigger community because there was already people who doing random calisthenics but not like only freestyle calisthenics but the more people uh like were interested to the sport the more we just helped and we taught them how to do 360 we taught them how to do proper muscle ups how to gaining strength and i think because of that yeah that investment into the people it's just start like growing and i think we're also very good inspiration to these guys and helping them grow and in the end we just uh creating our most powerful athletes in germany and yeah i think that was like kind of story behind that okay you said you didn't do anything to do that but i think it was like more subconsciously because exactly because you put in the passion and you spent like hours and hours every day at the park and there was always always somebody training there um plus the social media work i think yeah like it also spreads because frankfurt is quite a big city so um even if stuff is going internationally there are people from frankfort seeing it and the next thing is uh your events yeah like uh how uh it's two weeks ago now or three no two uh the the frankfurt city cup took place yes it was in the end of uh september yeah so like two weeks ago two and a half weeks ago um so it's like you're you're putting in a lot of work with fly sena flight thenx uh with you as a as a coach as well um there too to to push this sport and that's uh what i think is really important um because if you don't have the passion yourself uh if you just want to make a living or like i don't know something else you you won't put that much work in it and um yeah yeah true i have to say that um it may also like because we grow that much also on social media it was just like we working as a team yeah we were like beyonce me in the beginning and we just hyped each other so hard like uh when we did something we just did it uh we all did it as three so we just uh trained together filming all the trainings together and then releasing all the posts at the same time and then it gets like a triple hype we just call it triple height so um and that's i think the main thing is not just about social media but also in the trainings or in everything when you have like a team or guys who like got you back and supporting you it's way easier than do it all alone so like i'm very thankful that i had it and i know that a lot of athletes in the world don't have this kind of support or mental support or professional support they can get it through coaches and everything but sometimes they're like really expensive so i'm very thankful that i had like a kind of team who like pushed me especially in the beginning of my journey and that helped me grow a lot so that's why it's like my kind of mission with fly thenx to build this freestyle community to give it back to the guys who want to start freestyle calisthenics they want to to build up more um more skills and build build a nice following on instagram or something we helped them a lot by just giving them the chance to present their skills on an event or on shows we also had like i think in 2018 that was the beginning of flight thenx and we had like i think more than 20 shows like through the year and a ton of workshops and just yeah it was a it was a nice time and we just try to give the people back especially i try to give back what i get from this sport and to inspire the people that's nice um do you remember how much you grew in the last year on social media like right now how many followers do you have um i'm almost to 38 000 followers so um actually to be honest i'm not um i'm not very like focusing on how much i grow on instagram because in the beginning i was like yeah i need to get that 10k i need to get more followers i need to get more views and stuff like that but then i realized at some time it was not about just growing on social media yeah of course you can make a living out there and having nice corporations and influence people and stuff like that but it was like more just showing the world what i really passionate about what i love doing and just be like authentic and just because of that and of course i put like a lot of qual some quality stuff on instagram getting a new uh equipment i spent thousands of euros just to get like a new laptop a new camera and stuff like that to get to stack up the quality but in the end i realized you don't need that so all you need is just like a phone and putting out the content what you really love and that helps me like growing and it was like a more subconscious thing with instagram like everything i i've done on instagram was like it's just happened because i did what i just wanted to do yeah and sometimes it's changed from week to week but all in all i'm just putting out the content what i really love doing i love to show the world my skills my my flows and yeah what i'm doing with calisthenics and also sharing the guys my trips and what you also can like experience from calisthenics okay and that's something that i hear a lot that people um like everybody who is not uh an influencer or like wants to become one says oh like uh it's all about the followers etc and the people who have the followers they say um first of all like often they say first of all i just started to recognize to to document everything for me myself yes for me as a diary or something um and then it grew and people liked it and um that's true i don't care about the followers it's nice because of the collaborations yes yes but but you're true that's absolutely what i can underline because in the beginning especially i just i use it as a video diary and that's what i also can recommend everybody because the people they love to see how you grow and especially the guys who like know uh you're getting touched personally like your your co-workers or your your guys where you're in school with or university they all know you but they don't know what you're actually doing with your sport and just showing how you're growing helps me a lot because like i just use it as a diary as well when you scroll down you can see me doing like sloppy muscle ups and uh i don't know [ __ ] up 360's where i busted my shoulders and stuff like that so i think that's helped to to see how you're growing and it makes a lot of fun to to look into the progression especially to the history and to the stories of what the people can tell that's true and in calisthenics it's a big secret especially if you train alone to just film yourself and watch yourself watch the technique etc and if you can just then post it on instagram it's it's like a win-win situation um it's really really nice and um everybody who wants to reach 10000k to do to be able to do a swipe up link after that it becomes uh like at least it was for us um like 10k was important because we wanted to do swipe ups but from there it was like okay uh 11k 12k etc um it's like not important yes yes i mean if you have like specific goals like yeah i want to be that tom influencer like daniel's or something with a huge following and putting out crazy content and stuff like that then you should have to put in the work and yeah try to uh try to grow and use it like and have a focus go but in the end like like you said uh my goal was to reach that 10k and it was like so hard to get it yeah but once i get it it was like everything just yeah it was easier to i think from 10k to almost 40k now it was like not that a lot of work you know like the beginning but you should appreciate what you have and the more work you put into instagram and social media the more you will get because you see nowadays algorithm has changed it's almost impossible to grow nowadays and i always hearing from like also from local athletes here how can i get a bigger falling uh i want to cooperate with i want cooperation with go nation i also want to get a sponsored athlete i want to travel the world and i need i want to get money from calisthenics and how can i grow on instagram it's always the same questions but actually you don't grow from from today to tomorrow it just has it's like a long journey and you have to put a lot of work into it and the more you're like active on instagram it's like you can um it's impossible to want like 10ks when you just post one once in a month you know so you have to be active and consistent and that's i think the key yeah and something that you use as well maybe a short hint for the people to try reels um because it's like right now really pushed yeah instagram so yeah whenever you have like some story clips or reformat clips on like 15 seconds stuff that is entertaining you can just put it on reels and it works really well because you're exactly real right yeah it's crazy it's crazy it's i think i was one of the first guys starting the wheels um and i get on my first real like 80k no it was 800k almost a million views and it was like me doing a simple 360 but it's just like more for the um regular people to watch it not just like calisthenics athletes so i just do like very simple things and it's not a lot of work for me and the people like it so i just keep doing it that and once i get like a wheel with 3 million views and that boosts my instagram a lot and instagram featured like all these crazy uh videos and i was like okay normally you have to pay instagram that they're going to feature or something like that but now they do it like because it was good content and back in days i remember instagram was like 50 seconds videos only so you if you have a crazy combo you have to keep it short so only big moves just you saw you already know that and um i think in reals you have the good potential to inspire the people with like small videos because our in a time of attention what we give into social media is like so short nowadays so i think it's a really good thing with the 15 seconds i think they expanded already to 30 seconds so you can change it also to 30 seconds but the shorter it is and the more entertaining it is the the more follows and the more people are going to come and i think that's the key to grow nowadays and the good thing is if you have love to have a clean feed or something you just can delete it like after one or two days out of your feet and it's still in the reels you're still getting the impressions so i really recommend it to everybody doing calisthenics and really want to grow just entertain the people showing what you can do and then it's very simple that's true like for me my social media advice to somebody who wants to grow just maybe to round it up or you have something that you don't agree on um to post really nice photos in the feed uh because instagram works really well for photos uh your best videos you make small clips for reels because instagram pushes these as well and if you have really nice uh content like long content video content you do youtube because youtube is an evergreen it's always there you will still get views in three years and um yeah that's a good strategy but you need patience it won't go from today to tomorrow yeah i would say that actually instagram does what i want to because for some guys like only pictures are working for some guys like videos are like crazy it's like for me when i post a picture like my last picture get like not even a thousand likes i mean i don't care about it's crazy how it depends on like three million views and i don't know how many thousand likes and with one picture two thousand so for me it's just like videos when i'm posting videos especially real estate like going crazy so it depending on how you get like into the algorithm on instagram yeah but you also had a really nice video like uh the the ones doing wanna pull ups with uh 95k views that's also like uh it went really well in as a normal video so you can never say uh videos don't work at all yes that's true that's true what i'm very curious about and what i really realized because it's not um it's it's like every time i'm doing this vid a kind of combo because i i think i've done this combo like already two years ago i did it like one time in la when i first went to california with my friends and we did it at venice beach i did this combo and it get also like back in days i had like 15 000 followers or something and i also get like almost 50k views or something that was quite a lot and then i did it again in switzerland when i was at the bardocks um battles and it also went like all almost 100k and now again so i think the people really like that kind of one-on-pull-up elsitol stuff so maybe is that so when when you realize that the people like something you're doing then you just might have to do it more often yeah that's true for us for example it's just uh the esid like everybody doing yes it always works crazy like mana and eset these are two moves that work extremely well and if you find out something like this you can do more of it and um yeah that's that's a good uh good thing yeah because what i also realized is um it's very like unthankful instagram is so unthankful you know so they're like athletes who are doing um 720s i think this guy kubilos he's doing like 720 to 900 and everything and he is like a couple of thousand followers or even 1 000 followers and it's like very yeah it's very unthankful so these guys deserve a lot of more followers but in the end normal people they don't understand what seven they don't even know what a 360 is so when they see like something like a one-on-pull-up or some guy's doing uh manas or the girls eye sits it's like okay maybe i can see myself in this kind of movement so it's it's getting more impressions because it's easier to understand what's actually happened there yeah that's true yeah and also like working with slow motions etc uh also makes it easier for normal people to understand but yeah that's a totally different topic let's see yes yes away from the social media topic yeah it's so interesting we could talk yeah that's true um yeah so um you always already talked about your inspiration to start with a street workout um but people are always interested in the planche and i know that you're it's also a move that you work on a lot um that you're currently working on the full planche which is looking already quite solid um but talk about your planche journey how did it go did it go really linear or like were there some challenges how did it go um yeah it's a very good question my plan journey was yeah challenging very challenging i think i'm already like training three years or something for the planche and in the first year i had like zero progressions because i haven't done like i get a lot of tips from youtube and from other athletes but in the end in my workouts i just did my old workout so i haven't converted the tips into like real workouts and so the first year i just like haven't progressed anything i had like uh in germany we say duckducker so like a roof rooftool top up flange because like your ass is like very up and your legs are very low and i think since i get more into in touch into like professional athlete like victor kaminov and like very crazy strong planche athlete and i get the advice from them it was a little bit different for me to to reinvent my uh my my workouts so i gained a lot of more strength and i just realized it's just basic you don't have to do like crazy ecstatic planche secret skills and movement just do liens and do proper basics and that helped me a lot so since i get like more consistent my plans i feel like way more easy to progress so it's like it's good to getting a coach or getting some helps and tips from professional athletes or watching youtube videos but in the end you just have to be consistent with basic exercise even when you can do like the full planche and stuff like you still have to do your basic strength exercise to improve your fundament because yeah you're holding everybody on your arm so you should have to build up that fundamental strength first and then going to advance movements and it takes discipline and consistency that's why my journey was like and now it's getting like constantly better nice do you say that you are able to do the full planche like is it something that you say that you unlocked it or like when is it that you are 100 sure that you can do it always it's very very interesting because i've already unlocked it last year and then i injured myself because i was like stop doing the basic and just going for full planche and every training and had didn't have a proper warm-up so but for now i would say that i'm almost unlocked i can't say that unlock it because for me is like when you can hold it for like i don't know 10 seconds with ease and still like able to talk like i can have an interview with you while i'm holding the full planche and i would say unlock it you know i could do that in front even very easy but in planche it's like still uh some struggles i can perform it for three four seconds but it still takes like too much energy to say that i'm fully unlock it okay so you have a really high standard to say that you unlocked something yeah yes i'm kind of like uh yeah i would really love to do the move perfectly until i say that um able to do it because like when you're like able to improve like planche progressions uh like planche um uh variations like press or hands yeah press negatives or different planche variations then you can say you fully master the planche or unlock it because you're able to combine it or use different variations with that okay get it let's switch to dynamics um a question that we get in like we can get quite quite often from the community if we interview a freestyle athlete is how do i fight the fear freestyling or like doing dynamics um and i give this question to you how do you fight the fear when doing uh like let's start with the 360 but also like the front flip regret um you're you're currently also um unlocking um and yeah fear is i think the most important question so um it's actually very simple um when you're able to turn off your thoughts then the fear might disappear but before every like competition or something i get also nervous and the fear is always there but you have to categorize and maybe like visualize that when it's like for example you know that you can do this move yeah you train it so often and you know there's a possibility that you can fail and maybe you have like some very hard fails like for me i broke my ribs and uh get like serious injuries from freestyle but i know that this can happen again but it's like no sense no there's no point to think about that kind of scenario what happened in the past you're just focusing on that you're able to do this skill of course with that big respect that something can happen but when you truly trust in your skills and just focusing on being in the moment then actually nothing can happen because that's why i'm always saying just go with the flow don't force yourself to do like 360 when when there's some days where you like don't feel your freestyle skills then just don't freeze your train statics but there are some days you need some like kind of um yeah warm-up combos i call them and then just doing like easy freestyle skills and then you your body getting comfortable for that and once you're like learning the way how your body reacts you can or just like when you want to beat your fear and try to learn new moves just try it on mats for example or using a place where you have like a good setup where you can train proper so the risk is like very low and the more you can lower the risk the better you get into freestyle and the thing by avoiding fear is just to yeah visualize that you can do this move and to have the courage and just do it i know it sounds like very simple to say just do it but when you're able to turn off your thoughts then you can do it and you can do it with yeah breath exercise you can do it with affirmations and that's how i beat my fear for example okay affirmations for the people who don't know what it is self affirmations can you explain it self-affirmations it's like just manipulate your body or your mind it's like you're not tricking your mind but you're telling yourself something beautiful or you're telling yourself like uh you're confident and you can do this you're going to grab this move now yeah and then because you're forcing your mind into this it's like when i'm telling you um don't think uh don't uh imagine eyes uh uh don't imagine a pink elephant in your head and then you automatically see this pink elephant because i uh i give this thought in your your head and when you say like um i'm going to grab this move then you're going to grab this move yeah because you give your body the the right direction and when you're telling yourself before you run run to the boss and you have like already the comma in your head you just try to have the first string for example when i do the front flip and i'm like oh [ __ ] uh when i'm not going to grab like this i'm going to found then i'm going to fail because i had like this little thought this little negative thought and it just can kill your combos and that's why it's important to to be like 100 focus on that you're going to grab it of course you have to train for that to to be able to do it like fluently but in the end with this kind of self-affirmations you can manipulate your mind so hard that you're able to do like crazy things you never thought you can do okay that's a really good tool and it's simple um and everybody can just try it um to just tell themselves stuff that makes them feel comfortable that makes them feel uh self-conscious yes yeah that's good um but you don't only do um self-confirmations uh self-affirmation sorry um but also like your surrounding uh when i watch your your videos uh from from the gym where you all train together or even outdoors you are a group of really like supportive energetic people who scream etc uh what what what role does your surrounding your friends around you play in your your workouts um actually it's depending when i also have like workouts where i just train alone and try to hide myself up but it's i think every f professional athlete can agree with that it's like when you're surrounded with like very good freeza athletes and they're putting the energy into the rooms like when you're screaming you put up energy and you're like i feel it in my skin when somebody's screaming like you can't do it and just go for a full scent and it's a little bit different than just to train by yourself that's why i it's like my kind of mission to to grow the sport so that every kind of people or every kind of place have like a little community who support this uh themselves and it's the same like in football or in other sports the more you cheer the better the guy is playing you know and that's an important role because in um in frankfurt we're always having like hype sessions you know we have this one guy uh mr candyman he's like he's known for his hype trains we call it type trains because like everybody who wants to jump on the hype train you can go it now because now the hype is like very high in you when you're at the place you feel the energy level like before you're touching the bus and everybody's screaming you're going to perform on your highest level and that's why i really appreciate a lot and that's why it's important to all ethics even they're like very weak or something we just hype them up that they can get that first muscle up or that they can get this new dynamics what they just learned and it's also i think a kind of um a creation appreciation thing when you just achieve something what's very extraordinary that you deserve that kind of hype and you see it on calisthenics event when i remember um in new york it was in this year at the call-up competition when tony did the 720 it was like oh my god the whole gym was just exploding and there was so much energy there and yeah the more energy you generate especially with your crew the more the athlete's going to perform yeah very clean and maybe he's doing like some very high level advanced power moves and this kind of hype energy helps a lot it's like kind of draining what's that energy transferring [ __ ] but it's really working yeah that's true and i think even as a viewer of the video you feel like hyped and uh that's really nice um yeah you realize that also in my videos i also like uh sometimes i just when you hear the people screaming and they hype it up i don't want to play music or because there are like so many emotions and this kind of sounds and audience that the people need to feel that as well and yeah it's good when people when they're seeing that also get like excited and when you're creating feelings and in the viewer and everybody who's there no that's true what was the hardest move you've learned so far that's something that i would be interested in that i'm just learning right now just that you already that you already unlocked the hardest move in statics or dynamics if you can compare the both i would say like overall but it's hard to say but overall what is the hardest move the hardest move i would say front to regret but actually it's not that hard it's just more beating the wrist because when when you have balls and you're not afraid you're going to do it but i remember that i land like i think 100 times uh on my belly and that was like kind of hard progress but the hardest move i think it's like the giant to front feb league wrap because you have to um to check how much energy you have to put into the swing that you're going to transfer the the flip in to the right uh direction because if you have too much energy you're going to land on the body to have too less energy or you're too afraid you're going to be way far away from the bar so i think it's a giant front for regret but for me like the hardest move to unlock was actually the full planche and static so it took like more time discipline dedication and consistency to get this move because my body is not made for planche i realized that i have my body composition is like not made for planche but i still able to do it that's why i think there was that move what i like put the most time and work into it okay so it also the genetics play a role you say okay i think they play a bigger role than a lot of people think um we discussed it in the beginning of the interview with that um yeah when you have more weight or not you you have like it's very it's more easy to pull and stuff like that um it should not be an excuse because they're like very crazy heavyweight athletes like literally uh professional i think uh he's also doing like planches and everything with ease it's a very heavy weight but what i've what we're talking about right now is like the body composition and the body composition is like in other spots a very big deal especially in plants and um you can see like short people they planche like i don't know like it's nothing and they're like some people it's like almost impossible to learn it and i was questioning myself all the time and also we had like after er especially frankfurt city cup and other events where like um short athletes are doing like crazy aesthetic strength and there were all this discussion oh yeah it's kind of unfair because i'm waiting more or much higher and how you can judge us and stuff like that and i think wco already did a good job with their weight category because like in mma or in other uh in boxing for example there's also like weight categories but i just heard from dion because he's like also he has a black belt in taekwondo and he said that um there's also like a kind of measuring of how long your arm is for example so when you even you're like heavy weight you can um have like very short arms then you get into like the the weight class below because you have a kind of disadvantage because you can't hit your opponent with the full range and i think that's the kind of similar things into calisthenics depending especially what kind of moves do you want to learn so i think people with like long backs like me or short arms or something have quite a hard time to like lean into the planche because you need a totally different angle to have like a very clean high planche and but it's still not an excuse you can do it it just might be harder and takes more discipline and more time okay yeah that's um true because i remember the the conversations and the discussions after the event um but yeah it's it's hard to to execute on it right now um i didn't know that wco already does it that's a good sign that uh this develops into the right direction um but um how do you see the the sports development right now like uh where do you see the the sport developing in the last years to be honest in um i think in since i started 2015 to i think 2016 there were like a huge um growth in freestyle calisthenics in germany also because of barista workout with dennis montana he did like an amazing job in the past with his king of the bars they're like getting they're like so many crazy athletes coming together and you see the youtube views there like millions of clicks and the sport was just like on a very nice peak and after that it just like stopped for a little bit and maybe it just went down here in general i just can't tell it in germany because in the world the sports just grow it's just slowly but steady but especially from the year 2017 to like 90 maybe or even until now the spots just yeah stops growing a bit in my opinion especially freestyle sports like in general we have so many weighted and strength power athletes but freestyle is a little bit like yeah still small and um i was wondering why i was like that and i realized it's like because there are no community and meet ups there like no no calisthenics battles especially like just normal tournaments where freestyle athletes can battle each other there was just one german championship event for i think german athletes a year and it's like very yeah poor for like a country like germany to just have one freestyle event like one big free set event for local athletes and it was like in um in a place where it's like not very good connected so it was like in dessa i mean you've been to the german ships the last years and i mean the guys from ghetto work out the chef on the organize he's a very nice person so that's why we talked to them at fibo 2019 last year that we want to bring german championship to frankfurt because it's like a big city and it's very well connected to to whole germany and uh yeah it works really good with our flight thenx event we we yeah had like new battle system with the world values format where we like give the people the chance to compete and i think the more events are like going to happen the modern sports is also going to grow because it's just in the end all by the community everybody can train by themselves but it's not that much fun when you're coming together and can have that feeling how it is to train with the best athlete or to battle with them so i see like since 2019 a little growth especially with your meet ups what you have with your events and there are some local guys having like small meetups but not all meetups are like just freestyle focus you know and with freestyle i don't mean like um only uh dynamics freestyle is also like statics and strength elements but they're the way less way too less people here in germany who do this and that's our job especially for yeah brands like donation or big names and calisthenics like course or me or alex or somebody in germany to like use this kind of influence power to yeah to bring the people together and bring more athletes and i think we did it pretty good with flight fantasy and frankfurt so you see they're like a lot a lot of german athletes who like in this kind of area doing freestyle calisthenics maybe more than in other parts of germany and i think also with the deutschen calisthenics verbum we have this kind of organization where we can make something like this official and have more events so we're planning some nice things for the future especially for next year when covert is all over and then we're going to have like yeah a new revolution of calisthenics and i'm very happy to be part of that and yes and i think you like do an amazing job and you are the person of the group of people to do that um because you have the experience in the sport you have the connections you know the the freestyle athletes um because it's not uh it's not the same like for us it's really easy to do like a sets and reps competition a weighted competition etc because like in germany weighted and sets and reps is much bigger and we do it ourselves we have the experience we um but like for the freestyle it's hard for somebody who's not freestyling to organize it so it's really good to for you to get in connection with the um with the uh german uh association with the uh yes calisthenics for band with uh stefan from ghetto work or etc so yeah good luck for that and you know that you have our support um definitely really important i really thank you also to uh be part of that flight thenx event and always supporting us and that means us a lot and i think together we can yeah do something great because it's easier when a lot of people like influence people can do together things then everybody's just working on their own having their own goals because in the end we all want to make the sports grow and so we all have to connect together community communicate together and that's the main thing that's true and the scene and the people are so hungry they are so hungry thirsty whatever they want events they are like the people from frankfurt from calix they like drive around germany they go to every event etc so the people are really hyped for it it's just that we need somebody who takes charge of if it's who is responsible for it who goes all in and that's um yeah what i really yeah it's very hard because uh not not especially in germany i know that a lot of countries also suffer from this problem that they are like they very passionate about freestyle calisthenics but they don't know how to build a community or get the people together and it's just like it's very simple to have like you said your trainings but in the end it's more important what you're doing after your training like also caring about unitress and stuff like that but how to build up like a community and how to to make a step into the right direction with building up team or doing more like events how you uh spread the word of freestyle calisthenics explaining to the people what freestyle calisthenics is because for us it's like normal everybody knows sports in this kind of small family because we're all connected with instagram and stuff like that but for the outsiders for people who don't know what freestyle calisthenics is they just see what we doing with this kind of crazy moves but they don't know how to start with that how to uh what this actually is and we need to do more uh i don't have the english word it's just off clearance are right in german maybe you have that word yeah just spreading the word like um spreading the word calisthenics yes yes that's true okay nice i think uh yeah we covered a lot of uh topics we're like over an hour already um okay well we still have some uh some quick questions quick answers uh to end the episode um so yeah pizza or burger pizza burger it's always such a random bro um burger okay uh are you a dog or a cat person dog person my um yeah my sign astro sign is also dark in the chinese calendar nice that's good that's a good sign i was born in the year of the dark what is your favorite location for holidays favorite location um i think my best room i have ever had was in california what would change for you if social media just disappeared overnight that's a good question i think not a lot it will be way harder to connect with the athletes worldwide but then i need to stick to the local athletes and maybe you're writing letters or something to connect with the people but i would still working out in my gym or outside and still making the sports grow grow and having more local events maybe it's better for the environment as well when people uh stop flying around the country because we're so global those guys yeah but it would be definitely hard that it would be definitely hard and challenging and if you transfer the the number of dms sent on instagram to handwritten letters i think that won't be good for the environment so i think maybe we can stick like this yeah that's true and stay with social media um do you have a favorite calisthenics athlete or like a top three or something yeah i had a like a top three maybe um i haven't thought about that but so spontaneously i would say in freestyle californic it's definitely anuri from morocco he's like a very young talented guy and we also tried to bring him here to germany but it's very hard to get these moroccan athletes to our events but he's like very complete in dynamics you get like almost all power moves and um as like very complete athlete i would um say it's thomas kuganov i know him for a long time and he progressed so good and i think he's like maybe the new daniels because dennis was in the past like my big inspiration now he's like uh getting better again and getting more active so i think these are the three athletes who like inspiring me the most and in the past it was like courage he's not that much active anymore but he was like also a huge huge inspiration to me yeah nice um do you have a favorite book that you would recommend yes i have many books and i've read a lot of books but when i have one book what i can give to you is like how you um going to upgrade your performance it's the uh high performance habits from brandon bouchard the hp6 it's like um yeah seeking clarity for example generate energy raise necessity increase productivity develop influence and demonstrate courage i think it's like the most six powerful yeah hacks what you can learn for yourself because we humans we act with habits yeah and the more you can change your bad habits and turn it into good habits the better you can perform it's like it doesn't matter if you go into the meeting or if you're going to your workouts if you have like business ideas or if you just want to get a better person they're like some habits you can change and these kind of habits what you get learned in the book help you a lot or help me a lot and i always recommend everybody to master these skills and yeah that helped me a lot okay good we'll put the link and stuff like that in the description for people who are interested the best calisthenics event you've ever been at best calisthenics event um there were so many crazy events but i would say it was world of bar heroes 2019 at fibo especially the final where ikvan battled against daniels yes that stage was huge and it was an honor for me to judge that event and i think that was like the most crazy event so far true that was i will never forget i i think the moment that equine landed the front flip regret and everybody just escalated um yeah yeah in the last seconds like in their last round after battling like six other athletes and he's still like performing on his highest level so iquan was like really amazing that's true okay um and then the last question dynamics or aesthetics what would you choose if you have to decide dynamics dynamics okay good already guessed that but uh yeah i wanted to make sure if you want to lose the full planche or the front flip rig right if you have yes it's like i think it's a cool fun question but in the end i'm the guy who's like agreeing with a lot of professional athletes it's completeness over everything you need to come be complete to yeah to get a strong athlete and to win competition i mean there's some like only statics competitions and reset competitions and stuff like that but in the end if you're complete if you're able to do like crazy dynamics combining with very strength power strength moves like pestos and maltese presses and have like crazy holes then nobody can stop you because they're always athlete who has like weaknesses and when you complete nobody can touch you and maybe that's one of the um one of the benefits i had in the beginning of my workouts always tried to be complete and i never i'm not like really good in dynamics i'm not really good in aesthetics but i'm like an overall beast like i i can do everything yeah and that's what it should be like the most focus on okay cool nice then let's uh finish off how can people get in touch with you if you want they want to uh yeah talk to you i don't know learn from you how do they reach you actually they just can text me a dm on instagram so simple i try to use every second day the message even it's hard but i really like help everybody so um and also offering coaches coaching so when somebody is like really into calisthenics and really want to learn the skills and know that i'm able to teach them so they can get into my coaching as well and um yeah they just contact me on instagram okay perfect we will put everything in the description you also have a website oh you can link the website i like the website um that's good uh so we will put yeah you mean the ukiyo talents website or which kind of website you you once posted a website that about yourself and i looked at it and i liked it so uh but it yeah with the iced coffee yeah it's a um article what my girlfriend writes about me so also really big support it's a shout out to my girlfriend he's doing like all the crazy work behind of that so um yeah you can link that that's really fun to read and to watch nice perfect so we're coming to an end and before you can end the episode um i will want to say thank you to everyone listening to this till the end because it's a long episode it's i appreciate everyone listening to this like for an hour and 20 minutes um and yeah i hope you would we were able to take some some stuff with you and that you profited from it and enjoyed it and yeah don't forget to rate the episode if so if you liked it give us a thumbs up give us a subscription whatever you want to do to support this channel and also if you want to have an athlete who has to be interviewed put him in the description and apart from that ton thanks for taking the time on this tuesday morning to do the interview thanks a lot for that and uh you can end the episode yes oh yeah and i have to thank you as well phil and donation for letting me having this nice interview um yes i hope the people can learn from that and uh i have one question for everybody who's still watching this kind of 90 minutes interview respect for that but the question is are you living the dream or is the dream living you